A lush paradise off the west coast of Scotland, the Kingdom of Coreathea, is a beloved island home to thousands of citizens. The isle of Coreathea was settled in the year 412 AD when Marcus Alturius Coreanthius, a Roman patrician and officer originally from Corinth, decided to stay behind when the legions were pulled out of Britain. He attracted a loyal following among a band of Celtic refugees fleeing the Germanic invaders who he led to our small island, where he named the island for himself. His leadership and multifaceted high connections, resulted in Coreathea quickly signing a non-aggression pact with numerous other kingdoms insuring Coreathea's independent status and safety.
After the founding citizens died, the kingdom was briefly under Viking control- which allowed us to stay neutral in the Norman invasion of 1066 lead by William the Conqueror. Directly descended from the founder of the island, Thomas Alexander de Gaulle became the first King of Coreathea in 1123 and immediately Coreathea became involved with their first crusades. Though the military sent a rather large portion of the Coreathean army, they were withdrawn as soon as the crusaders started playing politics with Constantinople. This dabble into religious politics set the course for Coreathea’s strong stance against religious intolerance and their lack of their own defined religious beliefs, instead leaving these decisions to the citizens of the Kingdom. Upon his return to Coreathea, King Thomas commissioned the building of Alturius castle to be built in the North-East side of the Isle nestled by the cliff edged forest. Not finished in his lifetime, the castle was seen to its completion by his youngest son, Marcus Thomas.
In the 12th century Coreathea started to attract various people looking for a new beginning. This brought Anglo-Saxons, French, Italians, Scottish, English, Irish, and others to settle on the island creating a melting pot of cultures and beliefs. In time, others came attracted to the castle’s magnificent library, scholars, and permissible free-thinking. So, with protection from neighboring allies, the quiet island Kingdom prospered. Being an independent kingdom, Coreathea has been fortunate to have, with few exceptions, kind, loving rulers for over 400 years without much outside interference. The people now have a strong alliance with France, England, Italy, and Scotland. They offer their friendship and their support to our tiny island from foreign threats. Staying neutral in the politics of each helped us maintain these relationships. We share each other’s courts as places of learning for our young nobility and when looking for proper marriage arrangements. Trade, from these Earlries, keeps our dock workers, traders, and merchants busy throughout the year.
Coreathea has a strong military with numerous brave fighters, sailors, and valiant knights. Forging weapons and armor, our men work tirelessly at creating new pieces to excel and show off their craftsmanship. The Coreathean knights and men-at-arms have been regulars at tournaments since the 12th century, training weekly to gain skill in all areas of combat. The young pages are trained as well, cultivating their skills with their weapons from an early age. Squires aid in training and learning the duties and virtues they will need to become a knight. Our ships, bearing the Queen’s colors of blue and silver, including the kingdom’s flagship Dragon’s Fury (Fureur de Dragon), wait in the sea on our western docks for a time when they are needed. We have a strong and noble group of Privateers that help keep the peace in the waters far from home. We are a peaceful kingdom and have not had need for many decades to go to war.
Our people are creative, mastering many disciplines of the arts and sciences. To keep atop the latest in the arts and sciences that have appeared over the last 4 centuries, we have kept a door open to all who wish to live and contribute to the lands and realm of the Kingdom of Coreathea. The spirit is strong in our citizens and their desire to help their kingdom prosper is ceaseless. Hard work is needed to keep our kingdom running smoothly and the many ministers that see to the management of our kingdom work diligently. Everyone interacts as a family unit, more than merely neighbors, and they are prepared to lend a helping hand when needed. Religion in the kingdom is varied, as free choice is encouraged and respected, unlike in the surrounding islands and continents. Our open acceptance of the faiths of our allies has kept a peaceful understanding through the years, though we have on occasion had to fight fiercely for our way to survive. The kingdom seeks to have high moral standards and live by example of virtues, no matter anyone’s faith or lack thereof. English is by far the mother tongue on most of the isle, but various other languages are spoken, such as French, Gaelic, Italian, and Spanish.
The De Gaulle family has ruled for the past 439 years. After the hideous rule of the Queen’s older sister and a violent uprising from the citizens, which resulted in the exile of the queen and her consort, the reluctant Duchess Kathryne took the throne and was crowned queen of the matriarch. Her husband, Sir Quinlan Moriarty, naturally took the throne beside her, as king in his own right. The people rejoiced and all settled well in the kingdom. Their Royal Majesties love both the kingdom and its people and peace is now throughout our land. They, along with the entire populace of the island, now venture forth together into the unknown.